Steps to Acceptance:
Schedule your Initial Visit: When you’ve made your decision, and you’re ready to get started, call our office to schedule your Initial Consultation. At that time, our staff will gather basic contact and billing information, and send you information on how to obtain our Initial Functional Medicine Intake Packet, along with a timeline for its completion.
Please note: In order for our staff to secure your appointment, and allow access to the intake paperwork, you must place, and retain a current credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or Discover) on file with our office. As Dr. Sweeney blocks two hours of time just for you, he can not see other patients; to that end, we require the ability to collect a “Missed Visit” fee should you fail to show up for the visit, or cancel without proper notice. (By providing this information, you agree to the policy)
Submit your paperwork: Download, print, and complete initial intake forms, by hand, in Blue Ink, and return the packet to our office before your initial visit (click here for more details). Please take care to be thorough; the more detailed information that you can provide us during this process, the better we can help you! (All information is helpful; if you have copies of prior lab testing and medical records of any kind from other doctors, please submit those as well, regardless of how long ago they were). Note, there may be additional cost for a complete “Interpretation” of medical records not obtained through our office.
When you’re ready to submit your paperwork, contact our office to set up a brief, informal, meeting with our Office Manager, who will look over your packet to ensure that everything is in order, and ready to go.
Records Review. Once received, our doctors thoroughly review your intake paperwork, along with any other submitted information, prior to your first appointment, so we can hit the ground running!
Initial Visit: Your Initial Consultation can last up to 2-hours, depending on the complexity of your case. During the visit, Dr. Jay Sweeney will discuss the initial impressions with you; and clarify any missing or unclear information. Dr. Sweeney will then inform you if we are able to take your case, as not all cases are accepted into the Functional Medicine program. If the decision is made to move forward, please be prepared to order all recommended initial lab testing on that same day. If your case can not be accepted into the full Functional Medicine program, other options will be presented to you…it’s not an “all-or-nothing” situation.
No guessing. No skimping. 100% commitment. Please understand that because the doctors spend a great deal of time and energy on each case, they can’t accept every one. Because of this, it is very important that you are completely committed and serious about getting better. All patients accepted into the program MUST be willing to make dramatic lifestyle changes, take responsibility for their health, follow dietary modifications, home-care instructions, and any other recommendations provided by our doctors.
Spouses/significant others are required to attend 2 important visits: your Lab Test Ordering day and your Lab Test Results day. A large portion of our jobs as doctors, is the responsibility of educating our patients; that logic then also extends to educating our patient’s families. As Functional Medicine is much different from what most people have ever experienced from a doctor, we believe that a potential patient should not be put in the position of having to explain the information to their spouse, or other supporting person. Thus, anyone else, either directly or financially involved in the potential patient’s care, must attend two very important visits; the Initial Consultation, and the Report of Findings. These visits are pivotal, they are when decisions about cost and care are made, and for Functional Medicine to work properly, everyone involved MUST be working together, and be in complete agreement.
It is also important to note, ant BOTH parents/guardians of the potential child patient are required to attend these visits as well. Serious lifestyle changes require unwavering support from family and loved ones.
Recording your sessions. You are invited, and encouraged, to bring an audio recording device with you to your Functional Medicine sessions. We share a great deal of information with you during these meetings, and it’s always nice to be able to go home and review your sessions, in order to ensure that you gain as much as you can from your visits. Our office will automatically record your Initial Consultation, and your Report of Findings.