Acupuncture is an effective form of ancient medicinal treatment which has evolved into a highly sought-after complete holistic healthcare system. Acupuncture promotes natural healing; it is a safe, painless, and effective way to enhance recuperative power and immunity, support physical and emotional health, and improve overall musculoskeletal function and well-being.
Generally speaking, Acupuncture uses small, thin, sterile needles to activate specific points on the body, which are located along special energy channels called Meridians. You are an electrical being, and much like the wiring in your home, your body has special pathways which conduct electromagnetic energy, or “Qi” (pronounced “chee”) throughout your body. This energy is what keeps you going…it’s your life force, and by stimulating these meridians, we can affect changes in your electromagnetic system. These minute changes ultimately effect your muscles, bones, nerves, organs, tissues, cells, blood, and brain.
Dr. Jay Sweeney is a Board-Certified Chiropractic Acupuncturist, and employs ancient Taoist principles, along with those of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and Japanese Medicine in his style of chiropractic acupuncture, in order to give patients the most beneficial care available.